Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Writing Updates (Various)

Well, the final edits on Operation Arctic Storm are completed and the MS has been submitted to Kindle and Nook. The book will be out in January if not sooner.

My editor and I continued our never ending war over the controversial coma issue. She received a proper education while I am the product of an American public school. The editor (PBUH) insists that comas should be placed in dialogue where the speaker pauses, something I used to agree with until I checked the rules of grammar according to my old English school reader.

Of course, if we used this rule when my father speaks, 'Hello, there....Mark Stroock here. I, was wondering, if, I, could, make and....appointment, to get my car serviced, next, week.'

One can do the same trick with Christopher Walken.

We are also designing several maps which will be available here.

We've also been working diligently on (not) To Liberate Mars and are pleased with the effort. Expect this out in the autumn of 2016. This book will have a couple of stories taking place in space, several before the Jai Arrival and a several during the invasion and after. As always, readers are invited to send their ideas along.

1 comment:

  1. Technically a comma is used to separate two clauses. It also just so happens, that this is where you would naturally take a breath when speaking. Consequently, this lead to confusion regarding the appropriate place for a comma.
