Saturday, February 6, 2016

New ideas!

Now here's something interesting.

What if Algore wins the election in 2000?

I posit that absolutely nothing would be different, right down to the invasion of Iraq, with similar consequences.

Imagine this. Election 2000, the war in Iraq is going badly, Algore is floundering and its an open GOP nomination. With a national military emergency, whose the best GOP candidate? C'mon, you know the answer. John McCain.

Now lets try to thresh out a bit who is in the primaries. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Cheney. Probably Gingrich,  as well as the usual assortment of vanity candidates ad senators deciding, 'what the hell'. Maybe a guy like Tom Ridge jumps in. Probably Rudy Giuliani. I figure the race comes down to a battle royale between McCain and the 'maverick' and Cheney as the 'establishment' guy. McCain wins, and I think beats Algore by a decent margin. 53-45?

McCain is the man in the oval office managing the Iraq war.


  1. That would be a story I want to read. On a side note of your 1990 era war books(both bought and read). I have to admit that the overly critical review you got on Amazon had one good point...We didn't know how/why the war started in the beginning. That was a minor annoyance for me.

  2. Thanks and thanks. I didn't talk a lot about the first phase of the war, but early on in Arctic Storm Thatcher is in PM questions and takes parliament through the reasons for the war.
