Saturday, June 11, 2016

Will's Good Idea for the week of 6-13-16

Referencing the Midway anniversary I've always wondered what it, what if the Japanese had been really bold at Pearl Harbor and landed a couple divisions on Oahu. I grant that it would have been sticky for a while, especially the logistics. That said, they would have bee fighting on a tropical paradise where pine apples are basically weeds. The Japs would have managed. Then they follow this up with more serious and substantial landings in the Aleutians.

Now the intriguing part for me is what do the Americans do next?

I envision a different war Roosevelt's policy is Japan first. I figure a two pronged offensive with MacArthur gathering an army to retake Hawaii while Stilwell does the same in the Aleutians. I'm afraid the Aussies and Kiwis are on their own at Guadalcanal, which is much less important with Hawaii in Japanese hands.

Interesting, no?

I'll never do it. Ok, I won't be doing it soon.

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