Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Rush Limbaugh has signed a new deal.

It's remarkable how long he has done his show and how long he has stayed on top.

Before Fox News, before Right Blogisphere, there was Rush.

'I am equal time', he used to say.

I first became aware of him in '92, 60 minutes did a piece on him. That fall, I listened to him for the first time. Freshman year at Wesley College, my new best friend and I were playing Madden and he put the radio on Rush.

I've listened to him on and off again ever since. Lately I'm in the off stage. Nothing against Rush, I'm just in more of a music mood these days. Besides, with three little girls, one doesn't get to chose the radio station much.

I have to say Rush has had pretty big impact on my life. Certainly my way of thinking, the way I viewed certain issues and life in general. Forget politics, the man has a great story; working with the Kansas City Royals, doing radio updates in Sacramento (his adopted home town) as he likes to say. I've always enjoyed listening to him talk about his path to success. Later in the week I'll try to dig up some videos and post them.

I think the greatest impact he's had on me came 20 years ago last spring. This was the age of Pat Buchanan, economic nationalism, and a lot of bitching and moaning about trade, down sizing, etc. Rush, a self made man if there ever was one, devoted a show to people telling their personal stories of recovery and success. Folks called in and talked about getting laid off, fired, their job shipped to Mexico and how the met the challenge and reinvented their lives.

That show has always stuck with me, in the coming years after it aired, helped me through some rough times.

Bravo Rush. And thanks.

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