Tuesday, August 2, 2016

World War 1990, how come....?

....I never wrote about the beginning of the war.

Now I should say, a good part of the first few chapters of Arctic Storm do deal with what happened in the opening stages in the war. But really, I never wanted to write about it.

This comes up, periodically.

A recent reviewer wanted to know where the opening volume was (its Arctic Storm, man). Occasionally someone writes a review and concludes by hoping I'll write about the Warsaw Pact invasion.

I dunno.

Tom Clancy already did this, you know. So did General Hackett, Ralph Peters, heck, even Ian Slater. Go look that last one sometime....

I don't really feel I have much to add to the genre. I generally agree with everything Tom Clancy pointed out in Red Storm Rising. Alert readers will recall I even have the Soviet invasion stopped at the Battle of the Weser, Just like Clancy.

Of course, if I wrote about the first couple weeks of the war there wouldn't be a lot of suspense, would there?

One thing that does have some appeal is the idea of a series of short stories, To Defend the Earth style.

What are the West German police doing? How about a a sort of West German teen dystopian story? A young Soviet soldier experiencing western consumerism for the first time. How about the Chinese politburo monitoring events?

This thing is starting to come together in my head....

Oh, damn it.

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