Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cabinet Trumped

So far I like Mr. Trump's first two picks, Bannon as a top strategist, Preibus as chief of staff. Bannon is Trump's contact with the Alt-Right, Preibus is his man on the ground dealing with the GOP and the Establishment.

Smart and shrewd.

It's always fun to piece a cabinet together on paper, so lets get started.

Press Secretary: Laura Ingram, looks like they're headed in that direction, she'll understand the people facing her every morning are a nest of vipers. Traitors, communists, pederasts and perverts. Every last one of them should be locked up and given the Admer Luima treatment. Fuck them.

Secretary of State: Newt Gingrich. Newt is deeply flawed but really smart and I think this post would be perfect for a man of his knowledge and intellect.

Secretary of Defense: Mitt Romney. The DoD needs a turn-around artist, someone with vast experience working with large organizations. That's Mitt.

Secretary of the Treasury: Steve Mnuchin. Trump's finance chair and a former bigwig at Goldman-Sachs. Besides, one always wants a Jew handling the money.

Attorney General: Christ Christie. Tempting to make him Sec State, for the Fuck You factor if for no other reason, but the man was a U.S. Attorney.

FBI Director: Rudy Giuliani. The man is a goddamn national treasure and an experienced law enforcement official.

Secretary of Education: Dr. Ben Carson.

Secretary of the Interior: Sarah Palin. The westerners will love it, as will the cattle, farm and fracking people. She was the governor of Alaska after all. Frankly, the Fuck You potential is just to great to pass up.

Director of Health and Human Services: Not sure about a specific person, but I'd find someone who runs a hospital system. My wife could do this, she's a pill pusher.

Secretary of Energy: T. Boone Pickens.

Director of Homeland Security: Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He's looking for a gig.

Ambassador to the UN: Bobby Jindal. Former governor, smart as a whip, and I want to start work on the Indian community as a GOP constituency.

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