Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Up town Trump you up...up town Trump you up

Mr. Trump has outsmarted us all.

As I write this he has erased a 12 point deficit in the WaPo Poll and surged to a 7 point lead in NC, and a small lead in NH.  WI is now in play. So is PA. Is there any reason to think he won't surge ahead in say, CO? He's already locked up FL, OH, IA...

Hillary! is buying ads in blue states.

Now, there's been a lot of bumps and self inflicted wounds along the way. That said, Mr. Trump's overall plan as worked brilliantly. First we see bombastic Trumpism (which backfired in a few cases, of course), followed by a few simple ideas, build the wall and make Mexico pay for it, stop Muslim immigration, etc. Now, in the final weeks, policy specifics.

Another thing, Mr. Trump's ads about Hillary! have been devastatingly effective, tough, hard hitting. You could never say that about Mitt or McCain.

So what's Hillary's! endgame here? I suspect that she wants to cloud things so we can go to a contested election where her cronies in the courts will throw it to her.

It almost worked for Algore in 2000.

The good news is, unlike W., Trump will fight back, tooth, claw, hand grenade and flame thrower. Remember the second debate with the four women Bill assaulted and the 'You'd be in jail' remark?

That, too, is more than you could say about Mitt, McCain and even W.

And that is why he's winning.

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