Monday, December 26, 2016

Samantha Power has Blood on her Hands

Schmuley Boteach, known as Celebrity Rabbi in Stroock World, makes an excellent point:

Just imagine — there is a genocide going on for years in the Middle East in general and Syria in particular. It involves ISIS targeting Yazidis and Christians for extermination, and, in Syria, Shia Muslims joining Alawites to exterminate Sunnis. This is the classic definition of genocide where an ethnic group is target for annihilation.
The genocide reaches fever pitch in December 2016, just as the Obama administration, which hasn’t lifted a finger to protect 500,000 Arabs from being slaughtered, is winding down. Aleppo is in the news daily, as the world watches the horrors of bombings of civilians amid incalculable loss of life.
And what was Samantha Power, the great anti-genocide campaigner, doing while Aleppo and its residents were being reduced to rubble? Why, scheming against Israel, of course!
Read the rest at Breitbart.

Remember, these are the people who lambasted President Bush's foreign policy. These are the folks who just knew W. was a disaster, what with Iraq and all. Not to mention his siding with Israel against the Palestinians. Us Neocons thought we could remake the Middle East. Where we right? I dunno. Bush liberated Afghanistan and won the war in Iraq.

Let's have a look at Barry's results, shall we? Iraq once again a sectarian mess. Libya a jihadist disaster. Syria, well...Russia ensconced in the Middle East. Iran running Iraq. All before Samantha Power wrote her Genocide book 'A problem from hell.' Hell of a job there, Samantha.

Ok genius, you may ask, what would YOU have done.

Well, for starters I'd have crushed ISIS right off. We're not talking about winning an insurgency but destroying an enemy. ISIS meet the 82nd Airborne and their friends the 1st Infantry Division.

I would have negotiated a status of forces agreement with Iraq something Barry failed to do.

I wouldn't have begun speaking about 'red-lines' in Syria and then done nothing to back it up.

I would not have negotiated with Iran.

I would have supported Israel against the Palestinians.

I would not have listened to Samantha Power.

Happy Boxing Day

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