Friday, February 17, 2017

The Great Unraveling: I don't think they're kidding.

Hearken  back with me now to the Scottish Independence vote of ...2014? Ah, fuck I really don't care. The entire thing was stupid and pointless. One of the indy side's promises was free pills and free college while simultaneously kicking the Royal Navy out of Faslane. How was that going to work?

Now here in America we're accustomed to thinking of Scotsmen as broad-shouldered, red bearded, booming voiced can-do men. Try this sentence, 'Colonel Mackenzie, I need a good man to lead the counterattack...' There you go. The real Scotland is more like Train Spotting. Its a nation full of layabout, check cashing welfare addicts. Most of those can-do Scotsmen came to America a long time ago. My ancestors arrived in the 1760s and proud New York Tories we were.

To that point, one of the Scot indy crowd's talking points was politics. Traditionally the country is much further to the political left of the rest of Great Britain. Take another look at those indy promises. It reads like a 1980's era Labour manifesto, commie bastards.

Politics is one of the talking points of the Calexit crowd. California has gone blue in every election since 1992. It has more enviro-regulations, more gun control laws, more work regs, higher taxes, etc etc, than the rest of the country. California has bragged that it is part of the 'western wall' of gun control. The state is gearing up to lead various legal challenges against the Trump Administration.

The left's mass freak out over President Trump has yet to subside. We are seeing boycotts, we are seeing people quit jobs, even end relationship over Trump. Much of the left has no religion except politics. Look at the way they took Hillary's loss here, or the Brexit loss over in Britain. This is a major part of who they are.

I think its time to take this Calexit seriously.

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