Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Neo-Con in Print

The great, incomparable, First Sith Lord of all that is unholy in creation, Vox Day really unloads on William Kristol:

Ever wonder why (((certain neocons))) are always idiotically banging on about going to war with Russia? Read The Melting Pot and you'll know why. They're filled with an irrational historical hatred and seeking retroactive revenge upon Tsar Amalek. Apparently even the 70 years of communist slaughter, suffering, and deprivation to which the Russian people were subject isn't enough for them. Forget America. Forget Israel. Forget all the challenges that the modern world presently poses to Western civilization. What is really important is that Russia and Germany be destroyed!
Our First Sith Lord wrote this after Kristol's unfortunate remarks, at the link, about replacing Americans with new immigrants etc, etc. Now Jewish paranoia about Russia and Germany is well justified, but before one gets into an ethnic suffering pissing match here, let's just remember that Mr. Day is Native American, so there. Even hearing German gives me the creeps, but that has more to do with growing up watching WWII movies on TV every weekend. My own great grandfather was in the Luftwaffe during the Great War.

One of the sub-themes of A Line through the Desert is Jewish identity. Jake Bloom is a tall, long limned virile young man raised by stereotypical Jewish parents. In the army he's something of skirt chasing bad ass.

Of course, modern American Jews are pretty schizophrenic, 'Jewish...American...Jewish...American...oyyyyyy....' I think in this epic video Ezra Levant really nails it:

Many American Jews, millions really, are interested in 'Jewish Stuff' as Ezra said. There's  a gap opening between these secular, left Jews (see J-Street) and Israeli Jews.

Of course Kristol and the Neo-Cons and such are culturally conservative and very pro Israel. I'm one myself. Still Neo-Con and proud but I admit I'm fed up with Kristol. He's had a lot of bad ideas, Dan Quayle for example, military intervention in Iran in 2005 (look it up), Evan McMullin.

There's a reason why Kristol and his fell Neo-Cons have gotten progressively more sinister in the World War series.

Just wait till we get to the election '92.

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