Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ave! Ave Pournelle Imperator!

Over at Taki's, the indispensable Steve Sailer eulogizes the great Jerry Pournelle.

Pournelle, let us say, led an interesting life to say the least. Author, politico, philospher, Cold War strategist. We'll get to that in another post.

Sailer talks about my three favorite Pournelle novels: Lucifer's Hammer, Footfall, and The Mote in God's Eye.

We loved the universe Pournelle created with Larry Niven in Mote. It is a universe a thousand years in the future where man still hasn't found intelligent alien life. It is a world of the Second Empire of Man, of King and Parliament, kilted soldiers, dominion planets...That world is turned upside down when space-faring aliens are discovered. The aliens, or Moties as they're called, are brilliantly conceived as is the problem with their civilization and why man wants to keep them locked up in their star system.

Via Chronology.org here's the flag of Pournelle's Empire of man.


  1. Would you recommend those books as a starting point on reading his stuff or your favorites mentioned earlier

  2. Yes Absolutely. Footfall is the father of our own To Defend the Earth any reading will make that obvious we say so in the intro. The two Motie bookes are great, great sci-fi. In the same universe is a jem named King David's Spaceship. The Janissaries series is great fun and high adventure.
