Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kim to Trump: I got a Deal for you..

According to published reports Kim Jong Un is offering to get rid of his nukes if we move our nukes out of the Peninsula and promise not to invade. 

Now, we don't know if Kim came up with this himself. We think it's possible that Trump really has Kim on the ropes and that then CIA Director Mike Pompeo came up with this plan but Trump's letting Kim present it to save face.

That potential deal rhymes with history. It's basically the deal we offered Khrushchev after the Cuban Missile Crisis. No nukes in Cuba, we promise not to invade, and we pull our old Jupiter Missiles out of Turkey.

This is a strong precedent.

We suppose one could argue that withdrawing our nukes from Korea is a high price to pay. But come on, does anyone really believe we'd use nukes?

What about the North Korean numerical military advantage? In 1985, 1995, sure they could achieve victory. But the Norks are using ancient equipment and have an army that is starving. Does anyone really believe the Norks could take on the South Korean Army? Those are some tough bastards:

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