Thursday, September 7, 2017

Mr Trump for the Win

Two days ago President Trump bitch-slapped the left by ending DACA.

Yesterday he did the same to the GOPe by agreeing with Granny McBotox and the Worst Jew in America on their plans for a three month debt ceiling hike. 

Ryan and McConnell must have hated that.

We're already on record as saying Trump is in great shape on the DACA front. The Dems have to have some form of amnesty for the 800,000 or so affected by DACA. They have to make a deal. What are they willing to give up?

Again Trump can combine two wildly popular ideas here, amnesty for the 800,000 and a wall. Everyone likes both. Including the author.

On the debt ceiling front, where to begin? This whole debt ceiling drama has been a farce ever since the GOP tried it in 2011. What has this debt ceiling battle ever gotten the right?  So who really cares?

Trump has put the GOPe on notice, work with him or he can work with the Dems.

Call us an optimist but we think Trump is in the driver's seat here.

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