Until quite recently I was always shocked when aspiring authors told me they planned to submit their novels to traditional publishers--especially now that even publishing industry insiders are admitting that Amazon and indie authors have sent the Big Five trad publishers into a death spiral.Young author(s) reading this, go read the rest of that. We second everything in that post. Everything.
There is never a good reason for an author to sign on with a publishing house. NEVER.
Only the very biggest authors, we're talking JK Rawling here, get more than fraction in royalties or a big advance. Back when we were trying the trad-pub route the best percentage we saw was 20-30.
With Amazon and Nook we're taking 70%. And that gets paid within 60-90 without fail.
By the way, did we mention control over our work? We control our books utterly. They're mine. We own the copyright and nothing goes in there unless we say so. No one ever says to us, 'You need o take out some of those exploding tanks.'
Will Stroock writes, what Will Stroock wants. So if Will Stroock thinks The Austrian Painter needs a lesbian three way scene for context, The Austrian Painter gets a lesbian three way scene. P-e-r-i-o-d.
[Third person now? And don't even get me started on the lesbo thing -Ed]
Shut up.
[I'm telling Mrs. Stroock-Ed]
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