Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hollywood: Embrace the Suck

That's an old term from the Iraq Campaign. You can look it up.


The great John Nolte [You're man-crushing-Ed] tells us how much Hollywood sucks. He deals with all kinds of structural issues, but we're interested in the creative side, that's what we do, after all:

Outside of low-budget horror, today’s movie biz is only about insanely expensive franchises, which is fine, if you have enough of them. What happened this year and last, unlike any other years I’m aware of, is the death of a whole bunch of golden geese:
Straight up bombs include Alien, Transformers, Cars, Smurfs, Resident Evil, Underworld, Wimpy Kid, Xander Cage, Nut Job, Independence Day, Ice Age, Ninja Turtles, Divergent, Huntsman, Alice in Wonderland, Inferno (DaVinci Code), and Jack Reacher.Underperformers include Pirates, Kong/Godzilla, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek, and X-Men.Add to this an entire genre: the comedy, an area in which Hollywood painted itself into a corner primarily with raunchy titles aimed at teens. Casualties include Baywatch, Snatched, Fist Fight, Rough Night, Ghostbusters, The Boss, Why Him?, Neighbors, Barbershop, Dirty Grandpa, and Zoolander 2.
We'd like to make suggestions for some movies.

A decade ago Hollywood cranked out a series of War on Terror stinkers. We don't remember their titles and we don't care to look them up. They all bombed [Nice pun-Ed].The reader(s) will just have to trust us on this one.

There's a tremendous opportunity for war movies here. Ok, its a risk we admit, its not like war movies have a 75 year track record of success or anything. We suppose there are some obscure films out there that the modern Hollywood exec might look into. The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, All Quiet on the Western Front.

We have done so before and doing so again is probably in vein, but what the hell. Here's some war movie ideas:

-The Marines at Fallujah: (no explanation necessary).
-Operation Viking Hammer: This would be a commando flick about the special forces and CIA paramilitaries working with the Kurds in Northern Iraq in 2003.
-First In: Based on the book of the same name, about the CIA working with the Northern Alliance in 2001. Follow it up with or combine with Jawbreaker, also based on the book of the same name.
-Snake Eaters: Based on Owen West's book on training an Iraqi infantry company.

Just a few thoughts guys.

Remember American Sniper? Lone Survivor?

Don't you like making money?

1 comment:

  1. Does anybody know who is controlling the movie industry these days?
