Monday, November 13, 2017

Book of Long Knives

Over at the New York Post, Michael Goodwin tells us that former DNC chair Donna Brazile is putting the shiv in Hillary!:

The explosive book by the former head of the Democratic National Committee is rocking the political world with its tales of Hillary Clinton’s brazen corruption and tawdry deceits. To add extra punch to her insider’s account, Brazile is telling interviewers that Clinton’s 2016 campaign was “sterile” and a “cult,” and mocking it as sexless and joyless.
Sounds right to us.

Goodwin, among  others, has noticed what we've been saying for the last year. Hillary! is laying the groundwork to run again in 2020. We stand by our prediction that she'll be dead before then, either from the syphilis, the Parkinson's or the alcoholism.

But there's no telling Hillary! No.

We suspect Brazile's is the first shot from the Obama wing of the party. After all Barry is organizing as well and intends to be the figurehead of the Democrat Party going forward.

As Stalin once said there cannot be two suns in the sky.

The question, dealt with in this space before, is if not Hillary! then who?

We caught a few minutes of Fox News the other morning (we were changing the battery in the remote) and a Dem consultant argued that in fact the Dems have a pretty decent bench.

We agree. In New York they have Governor Andrew Cuomo, and Bill De Blasio. In California they have Senator Kamala Harris. In New Jersey lies Senator Corey Booker (we think we voted for him. Why not?).

So there are people out there for the Dems.

The problem is even in defeat the Clintons suck up all the Oxygen. Hence Brazile's book. We wonder who strikes next?

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