Sunday, November 12, 2017

Drudge is Always Right

More interesting scenes from the Esquire election day oral history.

Steve Bannon tells us:
The exit polls were horrific. It was brutal. I think we were close in Iowa and Ohio and everything else was just brutal. Losing everywhere. Florida, Pennsylvania. I mean, it looked like a landslide.
Jared [Kushner] and I were out on this balcony in Trump Tower. We looked at it on Jared’s iPhone. And the numbers were so bad that we regrouped inside. We look at each other and we go, “This can’t be right. It just can’t.” And Jared goes, “I got an idea, let’s call Drudge.” And Drudge says, “The corporate media—they’ve always been wrong the entire time—these numbers are wrong.”
Ahhh....this takes us back to an overcast day in November of 2004, election day in fact.

We were driving back from Borders after having spent a few hours there working on A Line Through the Desert. On the radio we learned that someone had leaked the early exit polls and they showed Jean Francois le Kerrie (D-Fr) winning.

For us, anyway, something wonderful happened. Newt Gingrich was on the radio with Hannity explaining how and why the numbers in those polls made no sense. For example they showed a sample radically skewed with women voters.

From there the word went out. A lot of conservative blogs picked up on Newt and argued the polls were faulty. The Corner at National Review was particularly important in this effort, as back then it was something of a conservative information clearing house.

And so the word went forth, ignore these skewed polls, obviously leaked to demoralize and depress Republican turnout, and get out and vote.

That was nice.

Go back and read the Bannon quotes. They called Drudge, who set them straight.

Remember, always trust Drudge.

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