Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Chapter Dysphoria: World War 1990 Edition

So we're going through World War 1990: The Final Storm and editing Part Three: The Battle of the Three Seas.

Without giving away spoilers we're wondering about the arrangement.

[He's lying, spoilers ahead-Ed]

Should each sea battle be its own chapter or should we have one big chapter where we bounce back and forth?

Let's try to visualize this. Imagine this is a space opera about battling for the solar system and instead of the Battle of the Three Seas we have the Battle of the Three Planets, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn with lots of fighting for the moons.

If each planet has its own chapter:

Own Chapter Format


One Big Chapter Format

Mars-    Phobe
Saturn- Thetthys
Jupiter-  Io
Mars-    Deimos
Saturn-  Dione
Jupiter- Europa
Saturn-  Rhea
Jupiter- Gannymede

The advantage of Option Two is that the reader is constantly kept up to speed on the action everywhere, in lets say, just off the top of our head, the Barents Sea, the Black Sea, and the Sea of Okhotsk. The disadvantage is the reader thinking, Ok,, what?...We were fallowing (just as an example) the Japanese Navy, and now we're following, (just as an example once more), the Franco-Italian navy, and now we're up in the Barents following some Norwegian sub...wait I thought...what about the Japs...oh there they are....

Option One of three separate chapters based at a single locale has its advantages. But after one gets sucked into (just say as an example), an armada of three American CBGs fighting in the Barents, then that chapter is over with and the reader has to start getting involved with a long chapter about, I dunno, say the SAS on a suicidal commando raid.

Feel free to remark in the comments.

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