Tuesday, November 7, 2017

In which Life Continues to Imitate Israel Strikes War of the Red Sea

This Saudi Crown Price Salman continues to make waves.

[in the previous post you called him king-Ed]

Yeah, yeah.

Anyway this Saudi Crown prince ain't messing around. Via St. Breitbart of LA:
The sweeping arrests of dozens of Saudi businessmen, officials, and even royalty on Saturday – culminating in the arrest of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who is all three, and one of the richest men in the world – is one of the most dramatic events in the Kingdom’s modern history.

It is a clear sign of power consolidating around Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, upon whom a great deal of President Donald Trump’s Middle East policy is based. The chips are down, the wheel is spinning, and Trump is all-in on the 32-year-old future king.

This Salman fellow claims to be some sort of modernizer and reformer.

Personally our preference has always been for the destruction of the kingdom and the ceding of their oilfields to Kuwait.

We wish him well and luck.

Also, we predicted it. Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea features a young Saudi King whose a modernizer and reformer:

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