Friday, November 17, 2017

Moore and Wilkes and Liberty

Moore has been Trumped.

Via Breibart:
Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said while President Donald Trump thought the sexual misconduct accusations leveled against former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore were “troubling,” he also believed the voters of Alabama “should make the decision on who their next senator should be.”
Quite right. The people of Alabama can decide the matter for themselves.

Should they elect Roy Moore, the Senate can investigate and even expel him if they so desire.

The GOP-e trying to spike Moore, or the notion that McConnell may refuse to seat him if elected is absurd.

There is precedent for a rapscallion taking the seat to which he was duly elected.

Reader(s) follow us back to Britain in 1769.

John Wilkes was a radical, a newspaperman who enjoyed disparaging the king, the Scots, and whoever else he decided he didn't like. He was also a member of London's notorious Hell Fire Club, about which no more will be said.  In 1769 he was elected to Parliament for Middlesex. Parliament refused to seat him and called a new election. Middlesex returned Wilkes. Parliament once more refused to seat him and the people of Middlesex once more said screw you and elected him anyway.

He eventually served as an Alderman from London.

Ironically this Hell Fire club member in good standing was something of a hero to the John Adams and his Massachusetts puritans. Heh. Wilkes was also part of the pro-American faction including Charles James Fox and Edmund Burke.

The Hell Fire Club? I said don't ask

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