Friday, November 10, 2017

More le Affair de David

We've come to think of Steve Sailer as the smartest man on the internet and strongly recommend checking him out over at Unz.

Anyway, in Takimag here's what Sailer has to say about Le Affair de David:
Seinfeld co-creator Larry David did something during his Saturday Night Live monologue this weekend that is almost unknown in 21st-century America: He engaged in Jewish self-criticism in front of gentiles.
We criticize Jews all the time. We do so here, but we really let our semi-coreligionists have it in our novels.

[You wrote two novels about the Israelis bombing the fuck out of the Middle East. How is that critical?-Ed] the untrained eye, perhaps. After all, as the Imams say, the Jew is clever.

Sailer really nails it with this one:
Similarly, much of the current mania over Russia is due to Putin’s role as the Neo-Czar of Russia, automatically triggering American Jews raised on Fiddler on the Roof to assume that the pogroms will begin at any moment. That would be funny…except that it could lead to WWIII.

In A Line Through the Desert young Jake Bloom deals with things about Judaism he hates. For example, Jake has wimpy cousins who wanted to play Fiddler on the Roof. Jake wanted to play Raid on Entebbe. When the school bully called him a Kike, Jake punched his lights out.

In To Survive the Earth the bad guys in the winter-survival short story are Hasidic Jews.

This is also the case in Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea.

[Why is the Hasidic Rabbi always named Rosenzweig? -Ed]

Cause we knew the man, that's why, Ed.


We hate Jake Bloom's cousins and their wimpiness and we really hate contemporary American Jewish paranoia. Donald Trump is not Hitler and the Cossacks are not waiting to ride into Scarsdale.

Anyway we loath the ADL, which was freaking out about Mel Gibson when thousands of radical Muslims were being admitted to the US. Next year America's Muslim population is expected to surpass us Hebrews. Nice work guys.

Jake Bloom would be sent to Auschwitz. By the Army. Riding in an M-1.

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