Friday, November 10, 2017

The Media is Decadent and Depraved: Roy Moore Edition

We thought about titling this post 'Finally, A Republican Sex Criminal!' What with our periodic harping on Kennedy, Clinton, Edwards, Spitzer, Weiner, and the rest of the pervs running the Democrat Party.

But no.

First, when Democrats admit Ted Kennedy should have resigned from the senate after he left a woman to drown in an overturned car, we will call for Roy Moore to leave the Alabama Senate race.

Second, as a general rule, when something bad about a GOP appears in the establishment media we assume it's a lie.

The Washington Post is certainly establishment media.

So WaPo spent a lot of time and money digging into Roy Moore's past all the way back to the 1970s.

Here are things they could have been investigating instead of an Alabama judges alleged 70's era sexual history:

Harvey Weinstein
Hillary Clinton
    -Russian dossier
    -Uranium One deal
    -Clinton Foundation
Bill Clinton's 26 trips on convicted pedophile's Lolita Express
James Comey's Memos
The opiod epidemic
Trump's conduct of the war in the Middle East

Heck, speaking of senate scandals did you know that here in New Jersey Senator Bob 'Mucho Money'* Menendez is on trial for bribery?

Try investigating that, you deranged, WaPo lunatics.

So, is this Roy Moore 70's era inappropriate touching of teenage girls thing true? We don't care. The Democrat Party would never let something like this keep them from power.

Neither should the GOP.

A final note on tactics. Well played Judge Moore, Steve Bannon. When Wapo contacted Moore for commentary, Bannon got all the details he could and then dumped it off to Breitbart, who then went with the story, scooping WaPo by 12 hours.

*It's possible that the mafia style 'Mucho Money' Menendez nickname is at least partially made up by the author.

They let Ted Kennedy stay in the Senate

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