Monday, February 19, 2018

Russians Learn what we Already Knew

The esteemed Powerline asks, Did Russia Waste its Money in the 2016 Election?:

There’s an old joke that half of all advertising spending is wasted; the problem for the marketing department is determining which half. The Madison Avenue ad agencies depend on no one ever being able to figure this puzzle out because their business model would collapse.
Indeed. Our own grandfather was an ad-man for 50 years, we're talking real Don Draper stuff here, folks. He told us the exact same thing noted above.

We've discussed advertising here before.

With the release of ANZACs we've run the experiment mentioned in the old post. That is, we've bought absolutely no advertising whatsoever. The result? Sales of ANZACs were exactly the same as the other books in the WW1990 series. In fact, ANZACs had a great run.

That run is now over.

Here comes The Austrian Painter. Kindle edition will be out this week.

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