Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Most Syrian Tuesday Tally

Syrian Edition

Fifteen years after the liberation of Iraq we cringe whenever we hear about possible US involvement in the Middle East. Which is not to say we don't support what president Trump has done. It's just we're sick of the Middle East, Middle Easterners, religious wars, religious terrorist groups, holy-sites, etc, etc.

We say build nuke plants and frack away so we don't have to worry about these people and their oil.

With that in mind here are nine reasons not to do anything else in Syria.

1-Assad unleashing a chemical attack now seems off timing. He's on the verge of victory, no?  Why draw this kind of attention? Maybe he's being set up?*
2-A strong Assad makes for a weak Isis, al-Qaeda
3-Syria is complicated enough without another American Tomahawk strike
4-Can't the Israelis do it?
5-This beauty:
swiped from Vogue, we think 

6-We are enchanted by Mrs. Assad and hate to think of any harm coming to her
7-The chinless ophthalmologist, as we used to mock, has won our grudging admiration for holding on and battling Islamic terrorists
8-Why should Assad be singled out for his atrocities?
9-We kind of like Assad's life story, a career in medicine cut short by the death of his oldest brother in a car crash.

*By Isis not America or (((the Jews)))
**Hmmm, the President of Syria has his own website.

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