Friday, April 6, 2018

There will be no Blue Wave?

Item: In Wisconsin the Democrat candidate for an open judgeship romped.

[Yeah, but both Barry and Biden campaigned for her, and there are tons of old-time progs in Wisconsin-Ed]

Item: Polls in the Mississippi race to replace Senator Thad Cochrane show the Democrat candidate ahead.

[Yeah, but the internals all look good for the GOP candidate-Ed]

Item: In Tennessee a new poll shows Bredesen beating Blackburn 45-35. This is the third poll that shows he's ahead.

[Yeah, but he's nowhere near 50 in any one of them and he's a Blue Dog known statewide-Ed]

Ok, Ed, ok. All good points and we agree.

Still, we're needing an awful lot of excuses, aren't we?

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