Friday, October 19, 2018

Big Money in Politics Always Wins...

...Which is why Steve Forbes* was twice elected president after Ross Perot served two terms.

We recall millionaire Doug Forrester running for office twice here in New Jersey, once for senate in 2002 and once for governor in 2005. Despite spending millions of his own money, Forrester lost.

In 1998 another New Jersey millionaire, John Corzine, wrote his campaign a big personal check and did so again in 2005 when running for governor. That's right, in 2005 New Jersey had dueling self-funded millionaires. Corzine's big money couldn't save him in 2009, when the state was blessed with Chris Christie.

Hey, any one else remember how the Dem's 1.5 BILLION bucks elected Hillary! in 2016?

*We met Mr. Forbes at a friend's art gallery in 2009. We told him how in 1996 we were rabid college Republicans and loved his SNL appearance. 'A good experience' he called it.

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