Friday, October 19, 2018

Wither Robert Francis O'Rourke

We haven't said much about Robert Francis O'Rourke here of late becuase it's just too damn easy.* Also bashing Bobby is no fun. Bashing Elizabeth Warren (I, Trail of Tears), now that's fun. When one questions Warren's [fake] Cherokee ancestry, it really sets her out on the warpath.

Hotair makes a great point about the O'Rourke thing:
Out: Robert O’Rourke will lead Democrats to electoral success in Texas! In: Beto’s “authentically cool” value “transcends politics“! The media mythologizing of the three-term Congressman in over his head in a Texas Senate race continues apace today with this NBC hagiography masquerading as news. So what exactly does O’Rourke do that isn’t about elections and politics?
We're still doing this, Dems? We're still looking for someone who is Kennedyesque? We thought you already got that with failed president Barrack Hussein Obama.

We've always believed half the reason Jean Francois Kerry (S, France) got the Dem nomination in 2004 was because his initials are JFK and he rode around Vietnam in a small boat. Did you know he was in Vietnam? Kerry was the biggest asshole to run for president in our lifetime.

Your bicoastal elites can't get enough of these wirey, 'with it' cultural phenomenon types, can they? 

Young Millennial Democrats have no memory of JFK, or even W. They're not trying to recreate Barry so much as they're looking jealously north. Why can't they have their own Pierre Justin 'Trudeau'?**

So wither Robert Francis O'Rourke. Despite the media tongue bath (see CNN last night), he'll soon go the way of Texas Abortion Barbie. Heh, remember her?

*This week we learned that he tried to join the Democrat Hispanic Caucus. Get me a DNA test. I can't even...

**Pierre Trudeau was a great man, but Justin's real father is Fidel Castro.

***Mrs. Trudeau is a total babe. Check out that rack...

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