Monday, October 15, 2018

Will is Right and the Egg-Heads are Wrong

Look everywhere and you'll see that the polls are catching up to Will.

There will be no Blue Wave.

In a few days we're going to stop writing about this, partly becuase we're sick of it, and partly becuase we don't wanna get burned on election night, even though there will be no Blue Wave.

So we thought we'd talk about how we arrived at this conclusion.

Recall that we predicted Mr. Trump would win. We'll go through that methodology.

First of all we didn't and don't trust 'data'. This is just baseball eggheads crunching numbers and playing around with turnout models. They actually cooked up a poll that showed Robert Francis O'Rourke beating Ted Cruz, that's if one assume there were more Dems than Texas.

So why were we right about Trump and everyone else wrong?

We didn't rely on data.

We relied on history.

Also our lyin' eyes.

These were the facts:
-After 8 years a lot of people just want another party in power.
-Even in good times it's hard to replace the sitting president in your own party.
-Just ask Richard Nixon and Algore.
-Trump's rally's were like rock concerts.
-Hillary's rallies were like talks by the chairmen of the local osteoporosis support group.
-We saw people who never cared about politics wearing Trump hats.
-The press and pollsters consistently under-estimate conservative turnout.
-Elections are about ideas, candidates and circumstances. Hillary! had none of these in her favor.
-Every candidate has a year. 2008 was the year of Hillary! and she blew it.

And that's why she lost. Also she's a sickly, syphilis ridden, high-functioning alcoholic, corrupt kleptocrat, and all around horrible human being.

Tomorrow we'll go over why we say there will be no blue wave.

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