Monday, June 3, 2019

British Conservatives to Tories: Sod off, Tosser

Breitbart has the bad news for the Tories:
Nigel Farage’s newly-formed Brexit Party have sensationally topped the opinion polls in national elections for the first time, with Nigel Farage hailing it as a “historic moment”.

The poll by Opinium showed that, in the event of a general election, the Brexit Party would be the largest party in Parliament with 26 per cent of the vote.

The Labour Party came second on 22 per cent and the governing Conservative Party in third place on 17 per cent, followed by the Liberal Democrats on 16 per cent. The Green Party received 11 per cent — a significant rise for them from just four per cent in the last Opinium poll.
Checking our math this poll shows the Brexit and the Tory parties getting 43 percent of the vote. In the Limey's first past the post system, the Brexit Party would pickup up 305 or so seats in parliament.

In the aftermath of Theresa May disastrous leadership the Tories face electoral Armageddon*, and deservedly so. 

British conservatives are telling the establishment to get fucked.

This is essentially what GOP voters told Jeb Bush**, Paul Ryan*** et al. But instead of bolting they just put Trump in charge.

There is only one way to save the Tories, is there not?

[And what do you suggest, you bloody Yank?-Ed]

Oley...oley, oley, deal...

*Why does spell check insist upon capitalization?
** Prick.

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