Monday, June 10, 2019

The other Mexican Threat

Islamic terrorists wear sombreros.

From Counterfact Magazine a chilling report:
The next major terrorist attack in the US is likely to originate in Mexico and strike at a major city in California, Arizona, New Mexico or Texas. It will most likely be conducted by ISIS or Hezbollah fighters, and will be aimed at resulting in something resembling a second 9-11, leaving hundreds or even thousands dead and causing billions in damage

Reports from Mexico over the past several years reveal the country’s ungoverned spaces have become base areas for ISIS cells, as well those or Al Qaeda and Hezbollah. All of them share the mission of penetrating the American homeland to conduct terrorist attacks intended to duplicate the impact of 9-11. They are attempting to do so by using the same border tunnels and routes exploited by Mexico’s drug smuggling cartels.

According to a Washington Times report, ISIS has been operating a camp in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua, just eight miles from the US border, for over four years. Citing sources that included an “Army field grade officer” and a “Federal Police inspector,” the watchdog group Judicial Watch has more recently reported ISIS is organizing a fighting group only a few miles from El Paso, in the Anapra neighborhood of Juarez and in Puerto Palomas.
Hezbollah, eh...

This is great fodder for Will's good idea, American Strikes: The America-Iran War.

Terrorist infiltrators at the border. A border patrol unit ambushed. Then bam! Multiple bombs go off at a Arizona Cardinals game. A shopping mall in Tuscan is shot up...

The damn book writes itself. Which is probably the only way it gets done becuase lord know we don't have the time.

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