Friday, October 18, 2019

Warren Withers will Hillary! do - I mean take - one last shot?

The syphilis is really getting to Hillary! as she is now claiming Representative Tulsi Gabbard* is a Russian agent.

We're not kidding.

The statistical whiz-kids** at the Stroock Analytic Desk believe there is a 25.9 percent chance Hillary! jumps into the race and a 68.5 percent chance she wins the nomination.

This is very plausible. The other candidates went on the warpath against Elizabeth Warren in the last debate. They may not of scalped Warren, but their arrows certainly hit and no one is in the mood to smoke the peace pipe with her. That was the worst day in the Warren family since the Trail of Tears.

This leaves Bernie, Ukraine Joe, and the big chief, with anything from 15 to 25 percent of the vote. There's no real front runner.

Chill the white wine spritzers and queue Enter Sandman becuase here comes Hillary!

*By Ganesh and Shiva, she's so cute. Ahhh….my little surfer girl.
**We do live in Chindia.

[Are you saying that Asians and Indians are naturally good at math?-Ed]

Yes. Yes I am. Have you seen the test scores?


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