Monday, January 13, 2020

The Democrats are Out of Gas

True in 1980. True Today.

It's hard to disagree with Powerline's assessment of the Dems' situation:
Thoughts: Biden seems stuck in the mud. Think of him as the Spinal Tap of candidates: his appeal is getting “more selective.” But if he finishes fourth in Iowa and New Hampshire, I doubt South Carolina can save him. Though the wild card will be Bloomberg and Steyer: will they turn their ample warchests into attack ads on Sanders, the way Mitt Romney serially destroyed each successive challenger in 2012? That will set up a Democratic base versus billionaires fight that will lead to a serious nationwide popcorn shortage.
Do click on through for the polling data.

Ironically the Jew hating progressive left led by young Jew haters like AOC, Rashida Tlaib and Somalia's own Ilhan Omar, is rallying behind an old Brooklyn Jew, Bernie Sanders.

Michael Bloomberg is spending money like he's worth $50 billion. We saw his ads all though this weekend's NFL playoffs (how bout them Titans!). He's kind of a jerk but his ads are well made with a strong message, I'm a manager who gets things done. Bloomberg may have been an annoying nanny-state Mayor, but he ran NYC just fine. Look what's happened to the joint since failed presidential candidate Bill De Blasio (S-Managua) took over. In other circumstances this blog could imagine voting for Bloomberg.

We won't make predictions. Last summer we insisted the nominee would be  Harris or Warren. Harris is long gone and Warren is fading. She's just too annoying to win the nomination. Sooner or later it'll be back to the reservation for her.

The modern Democrat party is not going to nominate a White Man like Joe Biden. But the modern Democrat Party is also not going to nominate a Jew like Bernie Sanders. We're stuck and so are they.

We're weeks away from votes being cast people.

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