Friday, March 13, 2020

The Chinese Wuahn Virus and The Dems

This blog can think of ways to attack Trump over the Chinese Wuhan Virus*, but slamming him over travel bans ain't it.  As we asked our own moronic virtual signaling d-bag  congressman who worked for a state department which sent Iran pallets of cash, Tom Malinowski, would you have someone from Florence in your home? I've already tweeted hin, offering his staff proofing jobs for when they're looking for work next January.

Sunsetting Slow Joe and that degenerate communist from Vermont are debating on Sunday, will the panelists even ask them practical questions about containment and treatment? Of course not. Every question will be framed in a way so as to bash Trump.

Oh and San Fran Nan tried to sneak abortion funding into the Corona bill. A great Strategerist is that one.

Any pundits actually worried about these people beating Trump and the GOP in November needs to stop commenting on politics and follow something more their speed. Like a spelling Bee.*

*What's with the tests? Why not do all this two weeks ago?
**Reference. Also those Indian and Chinese kids are waaaaaay smarter then they.

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