Monday, March 16, 2020

The Combined Stroock Appliance and Dem Debate Post

Yesterday the handle to the microwave broke. We meant to repair it with some rubber cement but forgot. Just now, as we were getting our coffee, we remembered and thought, What the hell were we doing last night, then? Oh dear lord...

We watched two old men bickering over who voted for what in 1995.

Joe Biden didn't really have any cognitive breakdowns, not the kind we were hoping for, anyway. But he had this annoying tick where he'd say, 'First we blah, blah, blah. Second we yada, yada yada...' This is almost certainly a memory trick to keep Biden from wondering off, mentally.

At one point we turned to Mrs. Stroock and remarked, 'He just says a bunch of words until he gets somewhere.' Mrs. Stroock, who was struggling to stay awake after a day of ferocious spring cleaning, replied, 'Yep.'

Biden thinks he's good at this.

Last night we realized we don't think we've ever scene Bernie Sanders smile. He's losing but says the same thing over and over again.

As to what any of these two grumps are advocating, it was a contest between who could offer free stuff and who could offer crappy, socialist free stuff. 

Dear spellcheck, 'freestuff' should be one word for the duration of the campaign.

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