Sunday, March 15, 2020

Your Combined Wuhan Virus Chromebook Delivery Debacle Post

Announced Wuhan Corona-virus cases in Chindia: 0.0


The number of Wuhan Corona-virus cases in New Jersey is 69 including two deaths. No new cases in Somerset county or Bridgewater.

Mrs. Stroock ordered a pair of Chromebooks for the girl's e-classroom from a non-disclosed big-box retailer with the understanding that they would arrive yesterday. They did not arrive yesterday. Then she called customer service. Big mistake- for them. Pro-tip when a woman who spends a lot of time running big-pharma help-lines calls your customer service line, bring your A-game. 'Daddy! Mommy asked to speak to a supervisor,' to which we replied, 'Uh-oh' and went outside to get a head start on the yard work.

Needless to say, we have the Chromebooks. 

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