Sunday, May 3, 2020

B is for Bat, Which Beijing Boils

The Daily Caller reports that the US intel community believes the Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China leaked out of the Wuhan virology lab down the street from the Wuhan wet market.

Well duh. 

China's Chernobyl? It certainly seems that way.

This blog admits it's nervous. This is a yuge international humiliation for the Red Chinese. Their ham-handed propaganda efforts are ham-handed. Just read Australia's Tim Blair telling Beijing to get bent:
The Daily Telegraph this week received a letter from the Australian Consulate General of the People's Republic of China, who took gentle issue with our excellent coverage of the coronavirus crisis. Following is a point-by-point response to the Consulate General and China’s communist dictatorship...
The Commie Cat Cookers in Beijing don't even know how to play this game, writing to the Daily Telegraph as if a stern letter from the authorities is all that's needed to put the paper in its place. 

As Joe Biden would say, c'mon, man. 

So the Bat Eating Bullies of Beijing are busted. Between the trade war, the Hong Kong protests, the Uighers and now the Wuhan Wet Willies, the Beijing Bat Boilers are having a rough year. If our economy is bad just imagine how the Commies of Canton are doing.

And that's why we here at Stroock's Books are so nervous. There are two traits at play. First, Commies do not take setbacks well. Second, anyone else remember what happened the last time an Asian nation lost face like this?

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