Monday, May 4, 2020

Default to Biden

Breitbart reports that the NYT's ran an op-ed calling for Biden to drop out of the race over credible accusations that he's a rapist. Believe all women. 

This will happen.

You know, we've shifted our commentary on this issue to our feelings about Joe. They're complicated. We've defended the man in this space. We stand by that assessment. But our views on the man have changed.

Biden's spent his entire adult life in politics, most of it representing the second smallest state in the Union. Mrs. Stroock is from Delaware, a proud UD graduate, and we went to school there.* In First State politics, once you're in, you're in for life. The current governor was the state's congressman when we arrived there in 1992. 

You see, Joe had it easy his entire political life, but he doesn't get that. We don't think he's ever had to run a tough race. Biden thinks he's a master politician. But he's not. He's just the default choice. Delaware elected him with a shrug. Barry picked him because he wouldn't distract from Barry. The Dems pick him now because he's not Bernie, who, by the way, has a better chance at being the nominee than Biden.

As this blog has noted before, Biden thinks he's good at this.

*When we transferred out of Wesley, we were accepted to UD, but chose a non-Jesuit  school in Washington DC instead. One of the two or three worst mistakes of our life.

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