Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Texas Blue Biden?

So there's a poll that shows Racist Joe Biden beating Trump...in Texas.  Of course the perverts and degenerate communists in the media are going with it. They think becuase the lavishly funded and compellingly arm waving Robert Francis O'Rourke made it close against the unpopular Rafael Edward Cruz, Texas is slowly turning. 

This isn't about sampling and weighting anymore, it's about logic.  If Barrack Hussein Obama (S-Nairobi)*, a great candidate with great ideas and great circumstances couldn't beat Establishment Warmonger John McCain (Jerk-DC) who was a terrible candidate with bad ideas and horrible circumstances, what makes anyone, anywhere think Joe Biden can win Texas?

Fading, racist, Depends wearing slo-Joe isn't beating Trump in Texas, or anywhere else outside the blue-hell-holes. The polls are fraudulent. To believe these opinion polls, one has to believe opinion polls taken in a country where it is illegal to hold certain opinions.

We said the polls were wrong in 2016 and we were right. We say the polls are wrong in 2020 and we are right.

*This blog's official position is that Barry Soetoro was born in Kenya. Not kidding.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of pollsters will admit that they don't know how to poll Trump's main base non college whites
