Monday, August 17, 2020

Continued Study (War of Northern Aggression)

Jefferson Davis might be the worst war-time president in American history.* He was delusional to the end.  Would Stephens or Toombs been any better or even made a difference? Probably not.

Speaking of, yeah guys, this whole Lost Cause 1865 Confederate morale had collapsed and most people with any brains knew they'd lost. The CSA had a huge desertion problem as the men in gray quite reasonably decided they didn't want to die for a nation that would soon die itself. Call them names if you want, but just think of the letters they were getting from home.

The more we learn about Confederate generalship the less we like. Lee, yes. Stonewall, of course. Stuart, absolutely. Johnston (either one) Hood, Bragg, Beauregard, none of these guys impress us. Another interesting mental exercise, what if Sherman, Sheridan, Grant had been running the Confederate armies?

Would the Confederates out there like to reco some books on Lee, Forrest, southern Generalship, et all?

*I'm not getting into the weeds about whether Davis should be counted. He was a president, he was an American. 


  1. I would disagree with you on Davis but I am a little biased the one union general I think would of worked best would be Thomas his style would of been perfect to counter Grant in the west

  2. The one sin for the South that to this day I do not understand is Vicksburg why was the city not stocked full of supplies the only way to take it was by seige I would of been stock piling food and ammo to last at least a year
