Tuesday, August 18, 2020

To Nuke, or not to Nuke. Also Nuked.

The Dems are having their convention, which if you didn't care, you wouldn't notice. Mrs. Stroock was watching her beloved Sixers. No, we didn't watch. Stephen Green (Vodkapunidt) liveblogs as is his wont. Given what Green is reporting, we're more confident than ever. His nut graph, as the J-School losers says, 'This is Star Wars Prequels of conventions: Badly-directed big-name actors shoved in front of green screens to recite horrible lines they aren't invested in at all.'  Nobody likes a shit show.  Without looking, we're confident the Trump Campaign already has a video mocking this Star Wars Cantina of politicians and millionaire socialist celebrities. We understand Springsteen made an appearance. Poseur. Everyone knows the greatest rock star from New Jersey is Bon Jovi (click for a Monday Metal supplemental).

Honestly, conventions haven't been important in what, 40 years? The only one anybody talks about anymore is 1968. And people, Chicago could use a man like Mayor Daly again.  Today conventions are hundred million dollar pep rallies. At least. If the Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China kills conventions off for good, well, that's good.

Right now Trump has the Dems twisted in knots and convening emergency congressional sessions....over the Post Office. The two most famous mailmen are Cliff Claven and Newman.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Ms. Venezuela)wants to save the Post Office via a pen pal program. That Millennial has never written a friendly letter in her life.  We last sent one in 2002. These people are fucking idiots. Are there really still people out there who think Trump's not a master politician?

Making some good progress on The Final Storm. We're doing the nuke prep chapter. Originally we'd planned it so the reader wouldn't know whether this was a conventional or nuclear preemptive strike, but we've changed that. The president is presented with two plans... We may be reading things wrong, but it looks like in 1990 the vaunted B1B was just an overpriced carpet bomber. Someone wanna help us out here? Where are the cruise missiles? What am I missing?

We did the short story comp's final check yesterday and resubmitted the softcover format. It's as good as we can make it. Next up, the Kindle, which should be no problemo. We're on track for a 1 September release. That being said, sales are strong and picking up remarkably. We don't intend to release any more books until we see a definite slump.

We picked up JFC Fuller's book on Grant. It was weird so we put it down. Then we tried again. Fuller along with BH Liddell-Hart was the most important military theorist of the 20th century, a man who basically developed tank warfare on the fly and in the mud. He was also a weirdo who embraced fascism in the 30's and after, Kabala Judaism. We will struggle on.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on that while he might be a military genius the man couldn't write
