Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday Metal: Grunge Sucked, Didn't it?

We are reliably informed that 29 years ago today, Nirvana filmed their famous Smells like Teen Spirit video. Whatever. We never liked them and preferred Pearl Jam. The only other bands that mattered were Sound Garden and Alice in Chains, the last of which is probably the most talented and important in the long run. Or maybe Sound Garden. Whoever.

Watch the Grunge episode of Sam Dunn's Metal Evolution. The Grunge guys squirm as they tell you over and over again that punk was their inspiration, not metal. Yeah sure, Stone Gosard got all those searing riffs from The Sex Pistols. Can I interest anyone in some primo Arkansas real-estate?

Grunge died fast, thank goodness, a flash across the sky. Disco resonated longer and is probably more important. Disco certainly requires more skill. Ironically, which makes sense, Disco became socially acceptable again with the rise of Grunge. We don't need to revisit the genre, not even Pearl Jam.

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