Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hey, Man! Was that the Dem Convention? Yeah, Man. Well Change the Channel Man!

Hey look at this, street fighting between Antifa and Patriots. It almost looks like a couple of Greek Phalanxes. We'll see an escalation. Sometime, someplace Patriot forces will bring their guns...and away we go. We'll see a lot more of this after Trump wins in November.

And Trump will win. The Democrats gave us a bizarre convention. A convention of Orange Man Bad.  A convention promising mask mandates, permanent lockdowns, higher taxes, higher energy prices and racism. Vote for me you racist is not a winning slogan. This was a convention without hope. 

The Dems have done nothing, not a thing, to win back those Obama voters who voted for Trump in 2016. 

And seriously what was with that For What it's Worth bit. A Balding Boomer and a madman. By the many arms of Vishnu, you just know Steven Stills thought, we're going to revive the spirit of the 60's, man. Like Freedom Rock...What the fuck was that? Who the fuck were those people?

We bet The GOP convention will be a site to see. 

Our template for November is the British election last year. Here's our old GRU piece on the matter. Basically the Dems have gone the way of British Labour, the 'Corbynization' of the Democrat Party, as Professor Reynolds likes to say.

[But the polls!-Ed]

Do we really need to have this conversation again? And anyway, those polls are tightening.

[Aren't you just conveniently liking the polls when they say what you want?-Ed]

No. The polls are going from being really wrong, to being somewhat wrong. But they show movement in Trump's direction. Of course they do. You can't nominate a geriatric senile old racist ('you ain't black') and expect to win. And nobody likes Kamala*. Nobody.

In 2016 the polls and the pundits said Hillary! would win. We said Trump would win. The polls and pundits were wrong and we were right. When Will Stroock says something will happen, it is becuase that thing will happen. Never doubt our clairvoyance and insight. Never. Always trust Will. Never bet against Will. And don't get sick of Will.

[I'm sorry, folks. Really. You know how he is when he gets like this-Ed]

*Mispronounced. Not only do we mispronounce Kamala, the 'read aloud' voice mispronounces it too. Our name has been mispronounced our entire life. It used to be annoying then we turned nine. We stopped noticing sometime in the 80's. Rhymes with book.

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