Monday, August 31, 2020

Yeah, no, Sorry Joe

Once more we collude with GRU. According to Sputnik we're an 'author and political analyst'. If reader(s) don't think that's funny, then they don't know Will. We've come a long way...

[850 SAT scores, people, combined...-ed]

When the Feds come to interview us, we're going to defect.

Good  morning from the Jersey Shore, where we are working on a tan to rival the president's.

Yesterday afternoon we took a powernap while watching Maria Bartiromo (dream, dream dream....dream...when ever I want to all I have to do...)

[You wish-Ed]

Seriously...anyway we woke up to failed Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler blaming Trump for his most failtastic failure. We understand that Jim Crow Joe will be giving a speech on  'race relations' today. That's not the problem here you senile racist. As Obama once said of this racial patroniser, 'He'll fuck it up.' You're the problem Joe, you. Speaking of, anyone else remember 12 years ago when Barry Soetoro gave a speech in which he called his grandmother a 'Typical White Person' (TWP for short), a speech the NYTs, or some such, told us should be required reading in schools. Every time a Democrat talks about 'race relations' things get worse. of Jefferson Davis, George Wallace, Bobby Byrd, Joe Biden... We're noticing a pattern.

But enough of this crap. Sitting poolside our vital research about the War Between the States continues. We're reading a book that covers things from the Peninsula through Antietam, that's Sharpsburg to you Confederates out there. Billy Yank's loyalty to McClellan baffles us. Given the man's obvious organizational skills, might McClellan have made a good CoS or Def-Sec?  It is tempting to say, 'Well look how close they were to Richmond if they'd just managed to get there....' Nuh uh. Anyone who knows Jeff Davis knows that wouldn't have ended things. The man never did know when he was beaten. 

We've been looking at The Final Storm and wrote a scene yesterday. We're working on introducing and re-introducing all the fly-boys. Anyone else remember Hogg Squadron from Three Seas? Even though we've shoved the Battle of the Roki Tunnel up front, the rest seems jumbled at the moment. We need lots of 'The Soviets are doing what now?' cabinet scenes, cabinet meetings and the like. We're also getting the sense that some of our scenes are a bit short. 

Despite no announcement Seven Stories has moved a bit. (we're aware of the unnecessary apostrophe, it should be removed sometime today). This gives us hope.

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