Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Your Combined Writing, Research, and Rioting Update for 8/26/20

Well it's finally happened. At least two shootings in Kenosha. As always, Andy Ngo has the video.  Breitbart has the breakdown. In one case, rioters chased down a man with a rifle. We're no expert in rioting, but this seems like a pretty bad idea to us. In another instance a man was shot while looting a car dealership. You'd have to be an inhuman monster not to laugh at his friends calling for the police.

Riots continued apace in Portland. These people can't Phalanx.

By the way, the Hennepin County ME says George Floyd died of a drug overdose. So there will be more of this.

The GOP convention continued to be relentlessly positive and upbeat. Trump swore in some immigrants and thus attained the troll level of Trump, something thought impossible outside of controlled laboratory conditions.* Trump's trolling actually folds space/time. You people think Trump doesn't understand TV?

We did some rather gruesome research on radiation, radioactive fallout and it's effects yesterday. Not news, really, but you'd have to stay inside for 2-4 weeks and there will be lingering hotspots for a 5-10 years. That said most isotopes have a half life of just a few days. We'll have Carl Sagan reporting on this, via ham-radio from his home in Western New York, he was a Cornell Prof. Eventually the Feds will bring him to Casper.

Our study of the War Between the States, or the War of the Rebellion as it's called in the official docs, proceeds with energy and verve. Ok, here's what we see with Grant. A general who always seeks battle and will push that fight right up until the moment he believes it becomes counterproductive. He will then pull back and look for another fight. Always searching, always probing, always fighting. The southern author of Lee's Last Campaign astutely points out Grant did something no other Yankee general had done. He seized the initiative from Lee. Also, none of these Yankee corps commanders in the Army of the Potomac impresses us. In contrast, with Thomas, Rosecrans, Howard, etc, Sherman had a collection of unspectacular but competent generals.

*Thanks Ace of Spades.

1 comment:

  1. Grant understood the simple math of the war the North could replace men lost and the South could not
