Thursday, September 10, 2020

Organizing for World War Three (fictional)

We're on our new computer and so far so good.

One of the tough tasks of the World War 1990 novels is just figuring out where everything goes. The Final Storm is no different. We've been having a lot of trouble with that. We have chapters headed 'aircraft' or 'nuke' because we felt that's how the novel should be organized. That is, here's your chapter with British Tornados, and American B-1s and Italian Star Fighters and so on...

But what if we're wrong? What if the chapters should be organized by nation? What if we should have a chapter that shows the Italian PM, Italian Tornado and F-104 drivers in Crimea, the Italian fleet in the Black Sea, and so on....We're thinking this is exactly what we should do and are writing just that chapter. Hey, were trying to set the stage for novels about them, right?

We already have a chapter dealing exclusively with Soviet nuke forces, plans, the guy who would command it all, whose going to sit there as his radars wink out one by one, wondering if he should be giving launch orders and trying to get in touch with the Kremlin, which the Politburo has already evacuated.

Reader's of World War 1990: Battle of the Three Seas will know that General Tevelev can segway nicely to a chapter showing the Israelis...

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