Wednesday, September 23, 2020

It was RBG's Dying Wish that Americans Buy lots of William Stroock's Books

In lieu of our study of the War of the Rebellion, we decided to begin World War 1990: Nederland's final read through. So far, so usual. But overall we're quite pleased with what we see. We tentatively plan to bump up the release date. 

Three novels in a year. All is proceeding exactly as we have foreseen.

We're working on the leadership shoot around chapter of World War 1990 The Final Storm. 'Gentlemen, I just got off the phone with President Bush and he says...' Bush consults with Maggie of course, Andreotti of Italy, Kaifu of Japan, the Aussies, Shamir of Israel. Not Mitterrand, screw him.

In The Great Nuclear War of 1975, we're cleaning up a chapter whose overall meta-theme is libraries. This includes the Presidential Commission on Reconstruction, chaired by Daniel Patrick Moynihan and co-chaired by Milton Friedman. Also present: Carl Sagan, John Chancellor, Don Shula, George Will...give us some ideas for members, folks.

The Daily Caller informs us that Rhode Island Dem Sheldon Whitehouse says they don't have any tricks up their sleeve to stop a Supreme Court nominee. He probably doesn't want to make a fool of himself again. Joy Behar says 'We've lost that battle'. As this blog stated previously, the battle over filling RBG's seat ends with a whimper.

We caught about ten minutes of Trump's rally last night. The president looks to be in form. Is it us, or has Trump lost ten or fifteen pounds? Everyday he's out there on the trail. Meanwhile Biden 'called a lid' at 9:22 AM yesterday. Some days he's lucid, some not. We have no idea how the man takes the debate stage. This blog is calling it. He won't.

Cindy McCain is endorsing Joe Biden. Good. Still think there isn't a uni-party of elites? Bush, Clinton...whatever. Wonder what John thinks, you know, down there.

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