In Israel, Netanyahu looks to be in trouble, so what else is new? There are two viable challengers on the right, Naftalli Bennett and Gideon Sa'ar, both getting 15-20 seats. It has been pointed out that Bibi has few friends left, so we don't know how he gets out of this one. He could go left, we suppose. But what's left of the Israeli left, and that amounts to maybe 25 seats in the 120 Knesset, hates his guts. There's the Arab Joint List, about 12 seats....sorry bad joke.
Meanwhile if Boris walks away from the Brexit talks that will begin his rehabilitation for us. Maybe there will be something in that cab after all. We don't believe the walk away talk, though. This is typical brinksmanship and we expect a resolution before Sunday's deadline.
Colonel Schlichter, who is always right, has a great column on the runoff elections in Georgia. Here's a great point for us pessimists out there: 'The Murder Turtle Mitch McConnell is already on the job. He knows what happened in November and his minions will be watching in January. His crew of cutthroats are flooding Georgia with lawyers and gathering poll watchers and count observers.' Read the whole thing, as Professor Reynolds likes to say. Cocaine Mitch confirms judges and wins senate elections, and he's all out of judges.
We don't talk much about the Kungflu on this blog because we like to stick with what we know. But it seems obvious to us that the Wuflu is back because flu and cold season is back. By the way, we took an antibody test out of curiosity. Youngest daughter had a raging flu in February, we had a rather odd cold in October and chatted with someone who tested positive two days later and....negative. Damnit. We admit to being profoundly disappointed. Governor Murphy is complaining about the extreme unresponsiveness of New Jersians to his (snitch) contact tracers and said it needs to stop. Lol, get fucked Murphy. We have to get cholesterol and triglyceride bloodwork next week, That should be, ahem, interesting.
Big tech is coming for you. YouTube announced it's censoring election-skeptical content. There are other options, Rumble for instance. We're on Parlor and Gab and have an account on MeWe. We're glad the DOJ is suing FB. Will Joe's DOJ kill the suit? Depends on what Beijing wants, doesn't it?
We're going to break our rules today and write a World War 1990: Saddam's War scene. Say hello General al-Majid, Saddam's fixer and pro-consul of Province 19. Reader(s) may know him by his nickname Chemical Ali. He's running the war on Kurdistan while making preparations in Province 19.
On The Great Nuclear War of 1975 front, Matt is walking, walking and walking. We finally figured out where he's from, Rhode Island. And he's heading to his family that went to visit the in-laws in Indiana. we'll talk more about it on the Saturday update, but we're really getting confident about having this 100,000 words clean and ready by 1 January.
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