Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Anything Happen in Wyoming Last Night?

With 99% of the vote in, shameless whore Liz Cheney has lost the Wyoming congressional GOP primary by 28 + points. That's quite a fall for a woman who was maneuvering to be house leader and eventually speaker. [Update whoa! Don't do math before coffee, 38 + points. Yikes.]

Breitbart celebrates, of course. Meanwhile Hot Air's Allah Pundit shows himself to be a shameless whore as well, as he extols the war pig's virtue and urges her to continue the good fight. Allah, you've got something in your hair.

Patriotic Americans may take solace in the magnitude of that Dem sock puppet's defeat. It's truly embarrassing. This blog supposes that after the mostly peaceful protest of January 6th, Miss Piggy thought she'd rally GOP Inc and the GOP inteligencia and retake the party from the unwashed MAGAs. Instead, blonde dye job became a prop for the Dem's sham committee. 

MAGA readers should enjoy this moment for the moment is only temporary.

The New York Post reports the war profiteer's daughter is considering a run for president. Bullshit. Arlington's Finest already made up her mind to run for president. Coming soon from Cheney a book and probably a documentary and ludicrously, a biopic. We predict 'truth' will appear in the title. Cheney will get gobs of money from Lincoln Project types and liberals who have gobs of money to throw at lost cause campaigns. She'll be lavishly funded. In the end last night's shellacking was a tactical defeat but a strategic victory for Cheney. Sad. 

Reminder: Trump Won.

Speaking of shameless*, the Dem's newfound love and respect for daddy and daughter Cheney is...something to see. If 2022 Will could go back in time and tell 2006 Will that one day Dems would cheer Dick Cheney...he'd...well first he'd say 2022 Will looks great. Then 2006 Will would punch 2022 Will in the face, 'The fuck you say?'

In other occurrences...a fine day at the gym, treadmill, rower, rope pully bike. We seriously considered the stair master but didn't want to overdo it.

What Will's Watching, Better Call Saul, finale. Nice. Not thrilling, but nice.** There was nothing wrong with it. A fitting end to a scumbag lawyer and professional conman. We were always rooting for Saul.

World War 1990: The Weser has cracked the top 50 and is hovering around 30. Still no pop, no surge. Overall sales a great though. We're on pace to have our best month of 2022. 

*We need a better word. 


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