Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Insurrections, Legal and Otherwise

A great hour long run at the gym yesterday. We love the soreness and stress on our muscles the next morning. Machine session today. 

The New American Order's refugee chapter has changed from a chapter about refugees to a chapter about refugees, Quebecois whack jobs, and the MACV stat team wondering, 'Just who the hell talked the president into trying to take out the Politburo with a nuke?' Who do reader(s) think would have suggested that?  Anyway, things are coming along.

We realized yesterday, as is our wont, that we should have a few intro scenes to link back to things happening in The Aftermath of 1976. Set up, payoff. Spoiler, in '76 President Rockefeller asked Ronald Reagan to set up a TV studio at the ranch and start making TV shows. We should have a scene like that in TNAO.

The New York Post (paper of record) tells us: 'Minneapolis public school teachers of color will have additional job protections this upcoming school year under a new contract that would allow them to keep their jobs in favor of white instructors with more seniority.' To put it another way, white teachers go first. Think of all the Karens, AWFLs and soi bois who'll get the can. These are people who fly BLM flags and post those stupid, 'In this house we believe' placards on their lawns. This is absolutely hilarious. Exit question: how many will get the pink slip and argue, 'I deserve this because of my privilege.'

What Will's Watching: Ben Shapiro interviews Benjamin Netanyahu:

A wide-ranging talk about modern Israel, Iran, the Abraham Accords, and much more. Is this a campaign infomercial? Does Netanyahu feel he needs to shore up his support on the American right? Great convo, we urge reader(s) to watch.

Legal Insurrection posts a recent Victor Davis Hanson interview in which the professor argues, rightly in Stroock's Books view, that the FBI is beyond redemption and the system is corrupt. Nut graph, '“Now we go after a president and go to his house with 30 agents,” said Hanson. “In the past, when a high official was called for a congressional subpoena, Eric Holder just said, ‘I’m not going and I’m not turning over any of this fast and furious.'” Not to mention rapist sex-addict Bill and Hillary. When it happens, be smart. Anyone advocating for violence is a Fed. 

Often there is a tendency to think that the enemy has a plan and is executing plots within plots. That everything is happening because the enemy wants it to happen. Many on the right are wondering if the Party of Klansman Bobby Byrd is going after Trump to elevate him. We suppose it's possible. And indeed Trump is up in the polls. He's up with us. It's also possible the left has worked themselves into a frenzy and just can't help it.. We'd still prefer DeSantis. But I dunno. Maybe the left needs the right's metaphorical balls shoved in its metaphorical face.

Reminder: Trump Won. 

An interesting review that illustrates an interesting problem for authors:

See? A Line Through the Desert is fine, but this reader was looking for To Defend the Earth, Israel Strikes and the World War 1990 Series. ALTD ain't that. As noted many times, when someone reads your thing, they want another thing just like it. ALTD is good, it's just not World War 1990: Polish Storm.

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