Monday, August 15, 2022

Mal on a Monday

A member of this blog's Confederate contingent reports the talk in Tennessee is getting downright seditious. We take it as read that Trump is getting arrested. Arresting Trump while Hillary was never charged under the Espionage Act and Bill was never indicted for rape...well, it's a provocation. Just remember. Anyone advocating violence works for the FBI. 

We saw a Lets go Brandon hat yesterday. Maybe we should start walking around with a Trump Won hat, or something. [Oh, that will do it. Bravo...CLAP...CLAP...CLAP-ed]. I dunno. For more than two years since George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose this blog has advised patience and caution. Do nothing, we once wrote. Do less than nothing. Hell of a lot of good doing nothing has done.  Dark days don't lie ahead. Dark days are here. The lights are going out all over America. 

We wonder once more weather we should take to FB, naaaa. We'll do a political post every once in a while, and we'll be doing one tomorrow night (think about it) but why expose friends and family to a constant torrent of Will's hot political takes. 

Reminder, Trump Won. 

On to better things.

Halfway through August, we're on pace to have our best sales month of the year and our best year ever. When we get The Aftermath of 1976* out this year, wowy-zowy. Curiously, there's a surge in Kindle e-book sales and a drop in KU streams. We've no idea why, or what motivates the switch. It used to be a wash, but we make more money now from the outright e-book sale.

Still no ju-ju for 19FortyFive or Rising Apple. We miss writing for the Ruskis. Oh well. We miss teaching too, and that's never happening again either.

Monday (not) Metal. The fam went to a concert in the park last night, we saw Epic Soul Band. Tight, with some nice guitar leads. Check them out. We enjoyed the show, thoroughly. 

*We've no idea what that cover is going to look like. Same style obvs....but what's on it? A pic of Rockefeller?

1 comment:

  1. On a follow up talking with people at church and work the support for Trump has double and they are waiting for the mid terms to see what happens but if nothing changes after that lots of people are now talking and considering supporting a national divorce
